Family event à la Hollywood: "And the Winner is..."

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My name is Bond...Chris Bond. Welcome to Los Mainz!


On October 02 and 03, the time had finally come! Our annual family event was on the agenda. This time we took our children and suitcases to Mainz, the very place where in-factory "film history" was written. "Oscar-worthy" - that's how you could describe these two fantastic days.

The hotel, parks and other suitable locations were quickly converted into film sets for the shoot. Five in-factory teams rehearsed intensively so that they could later shine in well-known Hollywood films and music videos. And then it was time for action! Professionals staged our individual films - such as Candyshop, Chris Bond 007: Data Royale, The Godfather "Don Data", in-hero and an in-factory western "Oscar-ready". Of course, real golden boys were also awarded for the categories "Best Film" and "Best Actor".

Two very special days came to an end with a delicious buffet, a few moves on the dance floor and a personal eulogy from the management. Yes, we love movies and we love our exciting family events! The next Oscars can come - we already have the right winners...

Do you have any questions? We have the answers!

Please write to us. We look forward to hearing from you!