Coronavirus: productive (remote) working.

Especially in times like these, solidarity is more important than ever! And cohesion also means taking responsibility: for our employees. For society.

That is why we have also rethought our previous work and switched to remote work. In November 2020, we held our second one-day workshop. And it was a great success! That's why our next workshop won't be long in coming: the date in May 2021 has already been set. However, the technology is still open: online, hybrid or as a face-to-face workshop.

But one thing is already certain: despite physical distance, we can also work together optimally "remotely". Absolutely productive and with plenty of team spirit!

OpenSpace: Intelligently networked
We continue to rely on the tried and tested form of OpenSpace (naturally flanked by appropriate collaboration tools).

We keep our distance because we stick together! Nevertheless, we hope that we will soon no longer have to do without personal contact.

Stay healthy.

Your in-factory team