Since the middle of this year, we have been a proud partner of Snowflake! Under the leadership of our Cloud Solution Manager Christian Schmitt, we have built up a full team of six experienced data warehouse consultants. The team is currently preparing intensively for Snowflake certification, with the aim of being SnowPro Core-certified by the end of 2023.

Our vision: Experience meets innovation

Our strategy is rooted in our many years of experience and expertise in the data warehouse environment, which we have built up over almost three decades. Our experience enables us to anticipate trends and changes in this area and respond to them proactively. Close collaboration with our customers plays a key role in this, as it provides us with valuable feedback and insights into their needs and requirements. In recent years, this exchange has motivated us to increasingly develop cloud and hybrid strategies as well as business models in the data warehouse sector. Last year, we launched a cloud initiative, which was implemented in close cooperation with our technology partner Informatica, to support our customers in migrating and integrating their data into the cloud. With our partnership with Snowflake, we are striving to achieve similar goals.

A strategic step for future-oriented solutions

Da Snowflake eine auf moderne Unternehmen zugeschnittene, Cloud-basierte Data Warehouse Plattform und zudem ein Partner von Informatica ist, war es für uns eine klare Entscheidung, diese Partnerschaft einzugehen. Der Schritt zur Zusammenarbeit mit Snowflake bietet uns die Möglichkeit, unsere strategische Ausrichtung und die Erweiterung unseres Ökosystems gezielt voranzutreiben. Diese Entwicklung ist keineswegs überraschend, sondern vielmehr die logische Konsequenz, um unsere Ressourcen und Synergien in diesem Bereich zu bündeln. Unsere „in-factory“-Services und unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Data Warehouse und Data-Management Umfeld schaffen eine einzigartige Kombination, von der sowohl Snowflake- als auch Informatica-Kunden erheblich profitieren werden. Diese Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht es uns, unsere Kunden noch besser bei ihren Datenmanagementanforderungen zu unterstützen und innovative Lösungen anzubieten, die den sich ständig verändernden Anforderungen moderner Unternehmen gerecht werden.

Our strategy is based on a combination of many years of experience, continuous customer feedback, partnerships with technology companies and a clear focus on the requirements of the future in the data warehouse environment. This enables us to constantly offer our customers innovative solutions and services that support them in their own digital transformation.

Our goal: Optimal support for the DACH market

With Snowflake at our side, we are relying on a highly scalable cloud data warehouse solution that perfectly meets the specific requirements of the DACH market, whether in SMEs or in enterprise environments. Our aim is to act as a kind of extended workbench for companies in the region and support them in successfully transforming their data into the cloud. We are convinced that we will be implementing innovative projects and writing further success stories together with Snowflake as early as 2024.